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Dentist Quanah & Vernon TX

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Teeth Whitening

Close up comparison of before and after teeth whitening treatment on a Black man's smileTeeth can lose their white and bright color with time, or due to the impact of several lifestyle factors. At Rolling Plains Dentistry in Quanah, TX we offer options for teeth whitening treatments that can restore your smile to one that you are proud to show off.

Contributing Factors to Stained Teeth

Our teeth can take on a yellow tint or display other stains, with natural aging. Whitening stained teeth can keep you looking younger. There are other factors that could be contributing to the stains that you may see on your teeth when you see your smile reflected in the mirror.

Recognizing these factors can help you to avoid them as you enjoy your smile after a whitening treatment.

Genetics do certainly have a role to play in the way that our teeth look, and in the way that they change in color as the years go by. Taking some types of medications, including antibiotics, can also play a role in the development of stains on your teeth. Damage to the internal structure of the tooth, such as is the case with an infection or decay, can also result in seeing stains through the enamel.

Our diet can contribute to stains on our teeth, with both the foods and drinks that we consume. This could include coffee and tea, along with red wine and dark soft drinks. Tomatoes and dark berries can also stain the enamel on your teeth.

Smoking can contribute to a number of dental concerns, including gum disease and dark stains on the teeth. It does not need to be a lifetime of smoking, as just a few short years can result in significant stains on the teeth.

Store Bought Whitening Products

There are countless whitening products offered over-the-counter. Each promises to whiten and brighten your smile. Some of these products can offer results with time. However, the results will not be as effective as those that you will see when you get a professional whitening treatment here at Rolling Plains Dentistry.

The very same bleaching agent is quite often used in both over-the-counter products and in-office treatments. It is however generally found in lower concentration levels in the products purchased from a store.

Quite often, these store-purchased products will address just the minimal surface staining on teeth. Results are slow to be seen, and it could take several months before any significant difference is recognized.

It is also possible to experience sensitivity in the gums with over-the-counter products. In-office treatments will protect your gums so that your comfort is assured.

Consider Professional Teeth Whitening

Professional teeth whitening, offered by our dentist, can address several types of stains. A professional whitening treatment can take less than an hour and can turn back years of staining.

Professional teeth whitening can also include take-home treatments with trays that are custom fit for your teeth. Simply add the whitening gel that we give you and get the whitening treatment you want, in the comfort of your own home.

Some patients find that they can benefit from combining in-office treatments and take-home solutions, in order to maximize the benefits of whitening treatments. In working with our dentist, you will be able to determine the best solution to whiten your teeth.

The Benefits to Professional Whitening Treatments

The use of over-the-counter gels, strips, mouthwashes, and toothpaste can result in some sensitivity in your teeth. Our dentist will ensure that your whitening treatment is customized so that you are assured of the best in whitening results, without the discomfort of sensitivity.

Professional whitening treatments are a fast and non-invasive way of removing stains from your teeth. Some patients can see their teeth lightened and brightened by as much as 10 shades. In-office treatments can produce results instantly, which is of great benefit to those in a hurry to see an improvement in their smile. Call Rolling Plains Dentistry at 940-663-5353 to schedule your consultation for a teeth whitening treatment.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you are interested in professional teeth whitening call 940-663-5353 and schedule your appointment today!
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Teeth Whitening • Quanah TX
Brighten your smile with professional teeth whitening in Quanah. Achieve lasting results and enhance your confidence with our safe, effective treatments.
Rolling Plains Dentistry, 104 W. 3rd Street, Quanah, TX 79252 ~ 940-663-5353 ~ ~ 10/16/2024 ~ Page Phrases: dentist Quanah TX ~