Teeth Cleaning
Quanah • Vernon TX
Teeth Cleaning provided by Rolling Plains Dentistry in Quanah, TX

Why Are Dental Cleanings Important?
Routine dental cleanings are important for several reasons, including the following:
Detect Dental Conditions Early On
In most cases, patients who avoid attending regular oral health examinations detect dental conditions when they have progressed to the severe stages. This can lead to unwanted discomfort and incur high treatment costs. Dental cleanings offer an excellent opportunity for our dentist to check your overall dental health and advise treatment accordingly. Doing so can help you avoid invasive treatments and the development of oral health conditions like cavities, gum disease, and oral cancer.
Prevent Dental Conditions
Apart from detecting medical health conditions early, dental cleanings are also a great way to prevent them from developing. During dental cleanings, the dentist targets plaque buildup. Plaque is a sticky layer of bacteria that forms in the crevices of your teeth and gums. Your dentist will use devices like a scaler to remove plaque from your teeth, preventing the buildup of harmful bacteria.
Avoid Bad Breath
Bad breath can leave a bad impression on those around you and cause you to feel self conscious. Dental cleanings are a simple way of avoiding this issue. Plaque buildup is a primary culprit behind bad breath. By getting regular dental cleanings, you can avoid plaque buildup and keep your breath fresh and odor free.
What Happens During A Dental Cleaning?
During a dental cleaning, your dentist uses specialized instruments to remove plaque, tartar, and other debris from your teeth. The process typically involves three steps: scaling, polishing, and flossing. First, the dentist uses a scaler to scrape away plaque buildup, especially focusing on areas that are difficult to reach with regular brushing and flossing. Next, they polish your teeth by applying a polishing paste and gently removing it with a rotating brush, which helps get rid of stains and leaves your teeth feeling smooth. Finally, as a finishing touch, the dentist flosses between your teeth to ensure that any remaining debris is cleared away, leaving your smile fresh and clean.
Schedule Your Dental Cleaning Today!
Dental cleanings are a vital aspect of keeping your teeth and gums healthy. Dental health professionals recommend having a cleaning every six months. If you have any additional questions regarding dental cleanings or would like to arrange a dental cleaning with our Rolling Plains Dentistry specialists, please call 940-663-5353.